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Subsea Operations Conference
til 8. aug.

Subsea Operations Conference

Grunnleggerne og eierne av konferansen er Norsk Petroleums Forening, Høgskulen på Vestlandet og Maritimt Forum for Haugalandet og Sunnhordland. Konferansen avholdes under Sildajazz i august, en festival som samler mange mennesker i Haugesund, og legger til rette for en fantastisk atmosfære.

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Webinar on potential for biofuels in shipping

Webinar on potential for biofuels in shipping

Biofuels are seen as an attractive decarbonization pathway for many vessels and will play a significant role in helping ships comply with the FuelEU Maritime regulation. The webinar is organized by the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, Danish Shipping, the Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association and UK Chamber of Shipping. Please register by May 1st.

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